Fancy Spa Basket


Keep all of your special bathroom goodies neat and organized with the help of this Fancy Spa Basket. It's an easy crochet pattern to complete using a few skeins of white worsted weight yarn. Treat yourself to this luxurious lacy basket, or fill it with fancy soaps, lotion, and shower gel and give it as a gift. This would make an adorable homemade gift basket for a bridal shower, baby shower, birthday, or anniversary.


Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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Possibilities! Possibilities! Possibilities! I can see one of these Lace Spa Baskets on my on my crafting in each bathroom. I can see the colors to match the decor or to tailor it to the person you give it to. I love the fact that they are washable and you can customize the size of each compartment. Sign me up!

This is a beautiful idea and design. It can hold so many things for the bath, like cotton balls, sponges,q-tips , etc. all in their own little cozy corners. What I like most of all about doing it in crochet yarn is that I can get it in the perfect color to go with my room. So many times I can't find the right color when I try to purchase one of these.

This is so classy and practical. I want to make this as present to someone who loves to pamper herself in the bathroom.

So wonderful work!


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