Striped Stash Buster Blanket

Striped Stash Buster Blanket
Striped Stash Buster Blanket

Take out those scraps and get busting with this Striped Stash Buster Blanket crochet pattern. A giant piece of warmth, this crochet blanket pattern is perfect for both guys and girls because of the multi-colored stripes. Use it as a dorm gift for the kid you're sending off to college, drape it all the way over your child's bed, or just cuddle up in it yourself with a mug of cocoa. Not only do you get an awesomely warm piece of home decor, but you can use up a lot of your yarn stash at the same time.


Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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With this project being named stash buster, I can only assume the sky is the limit. I usually do not have much yarn left over when I make my projects and I usually find a use for them elsewhere. However, I am always finding yarn at second hand stores and always passes them by because I have no need of them. Now I can scoop up those inexpensive skeins and create a one of a kind masterpiece.

This is so cool! If I follow the artist's instructions and make ten of these blankets no two will be alike! That is what handicraft is all about if you ask me. My head is spinning with the possibilities! So easy that maybe even I can watch a television program and crochet and I'm not known for multi tasking. This is also a terrific pattern to be able to make to whatever size your heart desires! Wow! This is awesome!

For this blanket we will be using an "L" crochet hook. Would you believe that I do not own an "L" hook? It's kind of an odd size. For me it is, anyway. I always get caught up on design and coloration in my projects, so this pattern is refreshing for me! I will really appreciate the sheer randomness of the stripes, and the fact that there is no wrong way to make this blanket. Thank you for the free pattern!

I really think this Striped Stash Buster Blanket is a great project. I like that there is an option out there for we yarn hoarders to use up their stashes and end up with a beautiful piece that can proudly be displayed. While out at flea markets and second-hand stores, I always leave the stashes of yarn, until now. Great idea.

What a fun way to use up yarns left over from previous projects and, if you are anything like me, you will have lots of those. Crocheted rugs are always the best thing to snuggle under in chilly weather and it is always so nice when a large item like this has an easy pattern so that the brain does not have to work too hard, lol!

I think I've been looking for this blanket pattern and didn't know it! My grandmother was always busy crocheting afghans and blankets and she used many colors, basically whatever yarn she had on hand. I'm going to make this blanket with her in mind and use up some of my stash. Pinned this!

This is a very practical way to use left over yarns. This Striped Stash Buster Blanket is so beautiful. It was especially crafted primarily to make use of the left over yarn. I was looking at the pattern and only two stitches were used in this project -- single crochet (sc) and half double crochet (hdc). This look so easy to do. Can't wait to do it myself. Thanks for the free pattern.

I also noticed that the starting chain for the throws shown in the "Simply Collectible" image had to have been much longer than the pattern because I ended up having to modify the pattern rather dramatically (almost after the fact). I am far too optimistic for my own good, I guess. Anyhow, I had plenty of yarn to do whatever I wanted, so it ended up looking mostly fine. I blogged about the experience (https// == /a-honkin-big-afghan/), but the pictures of the huge yellow afghan above are mine.

Gerriviv the stitches used in your photos are very different from the pattern what you did is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Is there somewhere your pattern is available? Thank you.

I had lots of enjoyment using this pattern with all my scraps of yarn! I told my husband this afghan was for him! I usually make and send all my afghans to my family members in New York! This made him very happy. enjoy the pics!


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