Purple Heart Throw


Follow this free crochet pattern to complete the perfect Purple Heart Throw. Use any color wool yarn to complete this quick and easy crocheted afghan. We think the purple is fabulous, though! It's great for girls of all ages. This pattern can be made into any size blanket you want. Use a size N crochet hook to make this easy afghan.


Crochet HookN/15 or 10 mm hook

Yarn Weight(6) Super Bulky/Super Chunky (4-11 stitches for 4 inches)

Check out Mary's designer profile and other great patterns!

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What a cute idea. It's absolutely darling. And after reading thru the directions I can't believe how easy it is. I want to make it in thin white fingering yarn. Make it into a table runner and put it on top of a plain red table runner I have. It was really look pretty.


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